We are a member of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches.
The CREC is an international vibrant church community of evangelical believers shaped by the Reformation. We are deeply committed to the evangelical tenets of Biblical authority and the free grace of God in Christ, and we believe that Jesus is King and Lord of Heaven and Earth. The churches and parishes of the CREC are spread across North and South America, Western and Eastern Europe, and Eastern Asia. Learn more about the CREC here.

Cornerstone: The primary name of this local church has been Cornerstone since it first came to be in God’s providence on July 26, 1981. And since this church is committed above all else to being Christ-centered and gospel-saturated, it remains the most accurate name. Jesus Christ is the church’s one foundation and cornerstone. He and His great gospel are at the core of who we are, what we believe, and what we do. He is ours and we are His. And He is the Chief Cornerstone.
Reformed: We are in line with the reformed tradition of the church and the doctrine and practice recovered in and through the Protestant Reformation. We affirm their convictions of God’s glorious sovereignty, the doctrines of grace, and that we are justified by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to God’s Word alone, all for God’s glory alone. And we unite ourselves with them and the beautiful God-glorifying doctrine they recovered from God’s Word in our affirmation of their Confessions and Catechisms. The reformers believed that the church is to be reformed and always reforming, and as an imperfect church that is still growing in conformity to God’s Word, we too are reformed and always reforming. Therefore, we are a Reformed church.
Church: To be a local church is to be a covenant community of God’s people who have been called out of darkness into God’s marvelous light. We are now united to Jesus. And because we are united to Jesus, we are His church and we are united to His church throughout all time. Therefore, we show our union, in part, with the historic church by joining up with them in our affirmation of the Apostles’ Creed and historic orthodoxy. And even more importantly, we show ourselves to be the church—the bride of Christ—by living in joyful submission to His Lordship. We are a church because we are His church. And because of all of this, we are Cornerstone Reformed Church.