Seeking to bring every area of life into joyful submission to the Lordship of Christ


The Church Is A Missions Program

John Stott once said, “The church doesn’t have a missions program, it is a missions program.” Or as Jesus said in Acts 1:8, we are His witnesses, we don’t merely go witnessing. I think Christians today all too often think of faithfulness as boxes to check: evangelism… check… discipleship… check… worship… check… But this is…


The Gospel The gospel is the beating heart of Scripture, the story of God’s covenant faithfulness erupting into history through the person and work of Jesus Christ. It’s not a disembodied message for individuals to clutch in isolation—it’s the proclamation of a King who has come to reclaim His world. God created us to glorify…

Evangelism Guide

The gospel is not a limp suggestion or a timid whisper—it’s the war cry of the King, the good news of Jesus Christ’s victory over sin, death, and the devil himself. It’s the story of a holy God, a fallen world, a conquering Savior, and a call to arms for every one of us. The…

Christian Basics

Discipleship, Evangelism, and Discipling at Cornerstone Reformed Church What follows is a general guideline to help us in the basics of the Christian life: discipleship (our own walk with Christ), evangelism (sharing the gospel with the lost and trying to lead them to Christ), and discipling (our helping one another know, love, and live for…

What Does It Mean To Be Reformed

This past week I was asked what it means to be Reformed, as in Cornerstone Reformed Church. I seem to always answer that question differently depending on who I’m talking to. But I wonder if you could answer that question. What does it mean to be a Reformed Christian? What is a Reformed Church?  Put…

Reformed Covenant Theology

Reformed Covenant Theology articulates the divine economy of salvation through three principal covenants: 1. The Eternal Covenant of Redemption: At the heart of all covenants lies this unspoken, eternal agreement within the Godhead. It’s not just a legal or formal agreement but an expression of the divine love among the Trinity. The Father’s love for…

The Church, Christian Faithfulness, and War & Peace

Throughout church history two of the main ways the church has been referred to is the Church Militant and the Church Triumphant.  The Church Militant refers to the Bride of Christ as she currently is on earth, in the midst of spiritual warfare, evangelism, missions, suffering, and perseverance. It’s the church in this life actively…

Grief, Change, And Faithfulness

G. K. Chesterton once said, “When a man has found something which he prefers to life, then for the first time he begins to live.” If that’s true, then last week I saw our beloved brother, Don Thurman, more full of life than ever before. No doubt, Don preferred Jesus to life long before he…