Seeking to bring every area of life into joyful submission to the Lordship of Christ

Our Mission and Our Standard

In the Great Commission we are commanded to disciple the nations, and at the heart of how we are to do that is teaching them to observe all that Christ has commanded (Matthew 28:18-20). But, the posture of the world (the nations) today is one of intolerance, emotionalism, and being easily offended (that’s especially true in the West anyway). What I mean is, the world, even the very “leaders” of this country, would have us believe that we must be tolerant of all religions, beliefs, and practices, even while they are intolerant of our religion, beliefs, and practices. And their reasoning for this is because our religion, beliefs, and practices tell them that their religion, beliefs, and practices are wrong and sinful.

The world is tolerant so long as you never disagree. But, they are wildly inconsistent, because their basis for their “truth” is only their feelings and emotions. Or, as Christopher Hitchens put it, “An innate sense of what is right and wrong.” But, a major flaw there is that one person’s emotions, feelings, and innate sense of what is right and wrong can and will contradict another’s. Even the self-professed atheist will admit that humans aren’t perfect. And we know that’s the case because we are all sinners by nature. Which is why we not only need a Savior, but we need a standard. As Jerry Bridges once put it, “Don’t believe everything you think. You cannot be trusted to tell yourself the truth. Stay in the Word.”

The standard of the world is the standard of their thoughts, emotions, feelings, and desires. Which is why their standard is inconsistent. But, it’s also why they are so easily offended and intolerant of Christianity. Any pushback, disagreement, correction, or rebuke is seen as an attack on who they are… because it is… In their worldview they, and the culture around them, are the god who sets the standard. They, and or the culture around them, are sitting on the throne of their lives telling them what is true, good, and beautiful. But, that standard is always changing and usually wrong. And while we are called to be people who exemplify the fruit of the Spirit, and should therefore not be ugly and mean, there is no way to be winsome enough or nice enough not to offend when everything we are, everything we believe and stand for, and everything we say and do tells them that they are not God. They are not the King. They do not dictate truth. The triune God of the Bible does… 

I don’t care how nicely and winsome you try to tell a heathen that they are a heathen, they are going to be offended. Perhaps the best way to get a heathen’s attention is to so offend them in the right way that you get them thinking. This is what Elijah did when he mocked the so called prophets of Baal. This is what Paul did when he rebuked the Judaizers. And this is what Jesus did when He called out the Pharisees. It’s not always what is called for, but sometimes it’s called for. But, whether you take that approach or not, people are still going to be offended. 

We have an absolute standard, an absolute truth. We have God’s Word and God’s Law rooted in and flowing from the unchangeable nature and character of God. What God says is right is always right. What God says is wrong is always wrong. It does not shift and change with culture or our thoughts, emotions, feelings, or desires. All of those things are indeed sinking sand. Only Christ and His Word are a solid and unshakable foundation. And when we stand on it we will offend.

I have been a pastor at Cornerstone since 2013. In that time the culture and the law in this country have gone from saying there is no such thing as gay marriage, and therefore no legal right to such a thing, to then legalizing it and seeking to mandate it across the country. And there are a host of other issues that have played out the same way. But, based on what? By what standard are they declaring such a thing to actually be real and permissible? The only true answer to that is their thoughts, emotions, feelings, and desires, not any real and grounded standard. And some may think that this is perfectly permissible and isn’t harming anyone, but besides that simply not being true because all sin is harmful in many ways, a simple look at history proves that to no be true as well.

In the days of the wild west it was acceptable to pull out a gun and shoot someone if they offended you or cheated you in some way. In the days of slavery and the Jim Crow South it was acceptable to treat someone as less than human, as a possession, beat them, or even kill them because of their skin color. And all of those are things we know to be madness now, but the culture thought it was perfectly fine at the time. The culture is often wrong, and when it is it wrongs people. It may not always look as extreme as it has in the past, but it is true none the less. However, regardless of what the culture has said the Word of God has always said such things are wrong. And the Word of God has always been right. 

Beloved, you are called to not only tell people what is right, but to teach them to live in line with what is right. Again, we are commanded to disciple the nations, teaching them to observe all that God’s Word has commanded. Because all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus, we are to go about our lives calling all to bow the knee to King Jesus. We are to seek to lead all to know Him, love Him, and live for Him. But, just as a ruler typically does not give up their throne lightly, neither will the world give up without a fight. They will see us as intolerant, though Christians are far more tolerant than the world or any false religion. They will see you as a bigot because you don’t think, feel, and believe like they do… even though that makes them the bigot, not you. They will be easily offended and see everything you say and do as an attack on their identity. But that’s ok, because as people created in the image of God their identity is meant to be rooted in Christ, not sin, self, or stuff. So, what they will see as insulting is actually loving and kind. 

Now, before you get on a soapbox and start preaching at people please understand, the primary way that you are to make disciples is by being faithful in every area of life… not by screaming turn or burn at people. Yes, we are to teach with our words and have meaningful conversations with people, but we are especially to teach with our lives. People should catch what it means to be a godly man, a godly woman, a godly boy, a godly girl, or to have a godly family, etc… by watching us live our lives. Everyone is not called to preach. But, everyone is always teaching something. It is inevitable. 

We are all called to be intentional with our lives and conversations. And if you are… if you are seeking to do everything for the glory of God you should expect pushback from the world. But, take heart, Jesus is worth it, God’s Word is true, and you are actually helping and loving people as you point them to what is true, good, and beautiful. And remember, the nations will come to Christ. God has promised, “The knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea” (Isiah 11:9). Jesus wins, so we win. “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you” (Romans 16:20). So stand firm come what may.

In Christ’s service and yours,

Nick Esch